Thursday 21 November 2019

Braces or Invisalign – Which Should You Choose?

Now that you have made a great decision to straighten your teeth, you need to choose the best method to approach this.

As many people know the two most popular methods are Braces and Invisalign.

In this article, we are going to address some of the pros and cons of each option to help you make your decision effortlessly.

Getting Started with Invisalign

At our office, Dr. Cohen will scan your teeth using an advanced 3D x-ray to make determine the viability of Invisalign and to make sure the aligners will fit properly and provide comfort throughout the length of your treatment.

Here are some of the pros and cons of Invisalign to guide you.

Here a 5 Advantages of Invisalign

1. Looks Better

These retainers are virtually invisible, so nobody knows whether or not you’re undergoing any orthodontic treatment. No need for people to comment on your teeth and affect your self-esteem. You don’t need to worry about your smile in photos, and your teeth will look straight with time.

2. Take Them Out When Eating

To achieve the best results, you need to wear Invisalign aligners for at most 22 hours every day. Therefore, you can take them out when eating. There is no change in your eating habits with these retainers.

3. Easier to Floss or Brush

When brushing your teeth, you can remove the aligners. Therefore, you can floss or brush your teeth effortlessly.

4. Fewer Consultations

Most of the work happens before the aligners are put into your mouth. Here, the orthodontist will perform a 3D scan of your teeth to create customized retainers. Follow the orthodontist’s directions when changing the retainers for the best results. The consultations are kept to a minimum just to check on overall progress.

5. Comfortable

Invisalign retainers are easy and comfortable to wear. Also, there are fewer gum and mouth problems when you choose these aligners. They are made from special plastic customized to your mouth, so you don’t need to handle salt washes to clean the cuts inside your cheeks.

3 Disadvantages of Invisalign

1. Practicing Proper Discipline

You need to follow the rules when putting the retainers in your mouth. Make sure you place them back in your mouth after eating to achieve the 22 hours for the best results. If you are not disciplined about using retainers, you will not achieve the desired results.

2. Removing Aligners Can Be Inconveniencing

Before eating or drinking anything besides water, you need to remove the aligners. If you are out in public, you need to remove the aligners discreetly to avoid losing them. Before replacing the aligners, you need to brush your teeth. Remember, food particles in your teeth can stop the teeth from moving and will stain your aligners. You also have an increased risk of bad breath and cavities.

3. Overall Cost

Compared to regular braces, Invisalign aligners can be more expensive. Therefore, you need to have enough money to foot the bill before you can visit the orthodontist. You can also confirm whether or not your insurance coverage can pay for part of your treatment. At Jessica Cohen Orthodontics, we make sure you have options that you can afford.

Here you can learn more about Invisalign with Dr. Cohen in Highland Park.

Why Braces?

Traditional Braces are the most tested method used to straighten teeth and position them according to your bite.

They are also used to improve overall dental health and fix larger gaps.

Here are some of the pros and cons of braces.

4 Advantages of Braces

1. Suitable for All Cases

It doesn’t matter how bad your teeth appear because braces can be used for all cases. If you have many dental and facial issues that need to be corrected, you can use braces to fix each of these issues. They use an archwire that pulls the teeth into place. Braces are considered to be the most powerful treatment options for moving teeth into the desired position.

2. Achieve Perfect Results

Compared to Invisalign, braces can achieve a much better result. Note that, with Invisalign, there is a little limitation on how much teeth can actually be moved at a time.

3. Different Types

With advancements in technology, there are different types of braces to choose from. You don’t have to stick to the traditional brackets and wires. You can choose from ceramic and lingual braces that are less noticeable. Therefore, you can actually enjoy wearing braces without worrying about the metal wires.

4. Faster Treatment

Yes, you must be wondering what’s faster between braces and Invisalign. Generally, when aligning teeth and closing gaps, treatment time is faster with braces than when using Invisalign.

If you want to get orthodontic treatment fast enough, you should opt for braces. Of course, a good orthodontist with enough experience and skill will lead to faster treatment times.

4 Disadvantages of Braces

1. The Aesthetics

Most people don’t love how traditional braces look. They are likely going to feel self-conscious about their appearance in some social places.

2. Brushing Your Teeth

With braces, brushing your teeth is a little more difficult. If you don’t clean your teeth properly, there is going to be plaque buildup.

Eventually, you will have a lot of decay and staining. Make sure you follow the instructions given by your orthodontist to learn how to floss and brush correctly with your braces.

3. Dieting and Preparing Food

You need to be careful about the type of food or drinks you take when having braces. If you take hard or sticky foods, the archwire is likely going to break.

Also, a bracket may dislodge from the tooth. Your braces will not work until these areas are repaired. You are likely going to prolong the treatment time if there are multiple breakages.

4. Regular Consultations

When you have braces, you need to make regular visits to the orthodontist to check on the progress and make the necessary adjustment.

Your orthodontist needs to check how far your teeth have moved at least once a month and make the necessary adjustments to make sure your teeth are moving in the right direction.

Click here to learn more about options with Braces at our Highland Park office.

Now It’s Up To You

When you choose to realign or adjust your teeth, you need to determine the right method between braces and Invisalign.

Therefore, look through all the pros and cons and decide on the best option for you depending on the aesthetics, treatment time, and also the office visits involved.

Of course, you may need to consult with an orthodontist first before you settle on an ideal option.

Schedule a Free Exam with Dr. Cohen in Highland Park today by clicking on the button below.


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